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Anatoliy A. Polikarpov

Chronological Morphemic and Word-Formational Dictionary of Russian: Some System Regularities for Morphemic Structures and Units


N.A. Fateeva

Three Colours: Light-Blue, Black, Red. Blok's Poetry as a Source of Intertextual Borrowings 


Some Quantitative Features of Russian Synonimy (on the basis of the Dictionary of Synonyms by A.P.Yevgenyeva)


Kolodyazhnaya L.I.

Frequency dictionary of words governing models (on the material of "Dictionary of governing" by D.A.Rozenthal)


Polikarpov A.A.

Menzerath’s Law for Morphemic Structures of Words: A Hypothesis for the Evolutionary Mechanism of its Arising and its Testing. An abstract of a paper submitted for the 4th International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics. - Prague, August 26-28 (Qualico-2000)


O.V. Kukushkina

Speech failures as a product of speech activity


A.A. Smirnov

Large Explanatory Dictionary of Russian (SPb: Norint, 1998. - 1536p.): preliminary evoluation of the dictionary (Russian letter "X")


V.P. Grigoryev, L.I. Kolodyazhnaya, L.L. Shestakova

Proper name PUSHKIN and it's derivatives in the Dictionary of Russian Poetry of XXth century "Samovitoye slovo"


V.P. Grigoryev, L.I. Kolodyazhnaya, L.L. Shestakova

Dictionary Of Russian Poetry of XXth century "Samovitoye slovo": difficult cases of filling of  meaning zone of vocabulary article


V.P. Grigoryev

Late Mandelshtam: artful corners ("Ode" for Stalin or / and Khlebnikov?)


Anatoliy A. Polikarpov

Cognitive Model of Lexical System Evolution and its Verification


Anatoliy A. Polikarpov

Cyclic Processes in Becoming of Lexical System: Modeling and Experiment



Last changed: 31.10.02

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