Selected publications by Andrej A. Kibrik

In press Modus, zhanr i drugie parametry klassifikacii diskursov [Mode, genre, and other parameters of discourse classification] In: Voprosy jazykoznanija, 2009 [pdf].

In press O vazhnosti lingvisticheskogo izuchenija russkogo zhestovogo jazyka [On the importance of linguistic study of Russian Sign Language] [doc1], [doc2].

In press What’s in the head of head-marking languages, or Is there case in head-marking languages? [pdf]

In press Communicative intentions and the structure of Russian television interview dialogues [pdf].

2008 (together with Olga A. Savel’eva-Trofimova) Postpozitivnye subklauzal'nye edinicy v ustnoj rechi (na materiale korpusa "Rasskazy o snovidenijah") [Postpositive subclausal units in spoken discourse (based on the corpus “Night Dream Stories”)]. In: Trudy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii "Korpusnaja lingvistika - 2008", St. Petersburg: SPbGU, 350-356 [pdf].

2008 (together with Nikolay A. Korotaev) Illokucija soobshchenija v ustnyx rasskazax: opyt korpusnogo issledovanija [The illocution of statement in spoken stories: A corpus study]. // Trudy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii "Korpusnaja lingvistika - 2008", St. Petersburg: SPbGU, 214-220 [pdf].

2008 (together with Olga A. Savel’eva-Trofimova) Subklauzal'nye diskursivnye edinicy v ustnoj rechi (na materiale korpusa “Rasskazy o snovidenijax”) [Subclausal discourse units in spoken discourse (based on the corpus “Night Dream Stories”)]. In: Vtoroj mezhdisciplinarnyj seminar "Analiz ustnoj razgovornoj rechi" ARі–2007. St. Petersburg: SPII RAN, 10-13 [pdf].

2008 Mul'timodal'naja lingvistika: napravlenija issledovanij [Mulrimodal linguistics: Directions of research]. In: V.N.Poljakov (ed.) Obrabotka teksta i kognitivnye tehnologii (Kognitivnoe modelirovanie v lingvistike. Trudy X mezhdunarodnoj konferencii). Kazan': Izd-vo Kazanskogo universiteta, 132-145 [pdf].

2008 Prosodicheskij portret govorjashchego kak instrument transkribirovanija ustnogo diskursa [Speaker’s prosodic portrait as a tool in spoken discourse transcription]. In: Komp'juternaja lingvistika i intellektual'nye tehnologii. Vyp. 7 (14). Po materialam mezhdunarodnoj konferencii Dialog 2008. Red. A.E.Kibrik i dr. Moscow: IPI RAN, 185-191 [link].

2008 Obosnovano li ponjatie «diskurs SMI»? [Is the notion “media discourse” valid? In: A.G.Pastuhov (red.) Zhanry i tipy teksta v nauchnom i medijnom diskurse. Orel: OGIIK, 6-11 [pdf].

2008 Verxnekuskokvimskij jazyk atabaskov Aljaski: russkie vlijanija vremen L.A.Zagoskina [Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan in Alaska: Russian influences of L.A.Zagoskin’s time]. In: ______ [pdf].

2008 Sistema diskursivnoj transkripcii dlja fol’klornogo diskursa na jazyke pular [A system of discourse transcription for Pulaar folklore discourse]. In: A.V. Arxipov et al. (eds.) Malye jazyki i tradicii: sushchestvovanie na grani. Vyp. 2. Moscow: JaSK, 260-303 [pdf].

2008 (together with Ekaterina M. El’bert) Understanding spoken discourse: The contribution of three information channels. In: Third International Conference on Cognitive Science. Moscow: IP RAN, 82-84 [pdf].

2008 (together with Vera I. Podlesskaya) Is sentence viable? In: Third International Conference on Cognitive Science. Moscow: IP RAN, 84-85 [pdf].

2008 Est' li predlozhenie v ustnoj rechi [Is there sentence in spoken language?]. In: A.V.Arhipov, L.M.Zaharov, A.A.Kibrik i dr. (eds.) Fonetika i nefonetika. K 70-letiju Sandro V. Kodzasova. Moscow: JaSK, 104-115 [pdf].

2008 Finitnost’ i diskursivnaja funkcija klauzy (na primere karachaevo-balkarskogo jazyka) [Finiteness and the discourse function of the clause (based on data of Karachay-Balkar)]. In: V.A.Plungian and A.Ju.Urmanchieva (eds.). Issledovanija po teorii grammatiki. Grammaticheskie kategorii v diskurse. Moscow: Indrik [pdf].

2008 Propozicional’naja derivacija i atabaskskie jazyki [Propositional derivation and the Athabaskan languages] In: V.A.Plungian and S.G.Tatevosov (eds.) Glagol’naja derivacija. Moscow: JaSK, 127-148 [pdf].

2007 (together with Nikolay A. Korotaev and Vera I. Podlesskaya) Polipredikativnost’ i integracija v ustnom narrativnom diskurse [Polypredicativity and integration in spoken narrativ discourse]. In: Pervyj mezhdisciplinarnyj seminar “Analiz ustnoj razgovornoj rechi” (ARі–2007) [pdf].

2007 (together with Vera I. Podlesskaya) Samoispravlenija govorjashchego i drugie tipy rechevyx sboev kak ob’ekt annotirovanija v korpusax ustnoj rechi [Speaker’s self-repairs and other kinds of disfluencies as an object of annotation in corpora of spoken language]. In: Nauchno-texnicheskaja informacija, serija 2, 2007, #2, 2–23 [pdf].

2007 Referencial’nyj vybor v russkom zhestovom jazyke [Referential choice in Russian Sign Language]. In: Dialog: Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies. Proceedings of the International Conference Dialog-2007. Ed. by L.L.Iomdin, N.I.Laufer, A.S.Narin’jani, V.P.Selegej. Moscow: IPI RAN, 220–230 [link].

2007 (together with Evgenija V. Prozorova) Referential Choice in Signed and Spoken Languages // DAARC 2007 (6th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium). Proceedings. Ed. by Antonio Branco, Tony McEnery, Ruslan Mitkov and Fatima Silva. Porto: Centro de Linguistica da Universidade do Porto, 2007, 41-46 [pdf].

2006 (together with Vera I. Podlesskaya) Korrekcija v ustnoj russkoj monologicheskoj rechi po dannym korpusnogo issledovanija [Repair in Russian monologic speech]. In: Russkij jazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii, 2006, #2 (12), 7–55.

2006 Multi-factorial choices in speaking. In: The second biennial conference on cognitive science. Abstracts. Vol. 1. St Petersburg: Filologicheskij fakul’tet SPBGU, 86-87 [link].

2006 (together with Vera I. Podlesskaya) Problema segmentacii ustnogo diskursa i kognitivnaja sistema govorjashchego [Segmentation of spoken discourse and the speaker’s cognitive system] In: V.D.Solovyev (ed.) Kognitivnye issledovanija, vol. 1. Moscow: Institut psixologii RAN, 138-158 [pdf].

2005 Inflection versus Derivation and the Template for Athabaskan Verb Morphology. In: S. Gessner (ed.) Proceedings of the 2005 Athabaskan Languages Conference. Fairbanks: ANLC, 2005, 67-94 [pdf].

2005 Atapaski [Athapaskans]. In: Bol’shaja Rossijskaja Enciklopedija, vol. 2. Moscow: Enciklopedija [pdf].

2005 Atabaskskie jazyki [Athabaskan languages]. In: Bol’shaja Rossijskaja Enciklopedija, vol. 2. Moscow: Enciklopedija [pdf].

2005 (together with Antonina I. Koval and Abdoulaye Y. Ba) Skazanie “Ljubov’ ”, ili “Dingiral”, na jazyke Pulaar [The saga ‘Love’, or ‘Dingiral’, in the Pulaar language]. In: A.I.Koval’ (ed.) Afrikanskaja skazka III. Moscow: Vostochnaja literatura, 399-479 [pdf].

2005 (together with Olga N. Krasavina) A corpus study of referential choice: The role of rhetorical structure. In: I.M.Kobozeva, A.S.Narin’jani and V.P.Selegej (eds.) Dialog-2005. Komp’juternaja lingvistika I intellektual’nye texnologii. Trudy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii. Moscow: Nauka, 561-569 [link].

2005 On the use of quasi-grammeme in Athabaskan // Vostok-Zapad: Vtoraja mezhdunarodnaja konferencija po modeli “Smysl ? Tekst”. Ed. by Ju.D.Apresjan and L.L.Iomdin. Moscow: JaSL, 208-218 [pdf].

2005 (together with Andre Gruening) Modelling Referential Choice in Discourse: A Cognitive Calculative Approach and a Neural Networks Approach. In: Antonio Branco, Tony McEnery and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.). "Anaphora Processing: Linguistic, Cognitive and Computational Modelling". Amsterdam: Benjamins, 163-198 [pdf].

2004 Referencija i rabochaja pamjat’: o vzaimodejstvii lingvistiki s psixologiej i kognitivnoj naukoj [Reference and working memory: On interaction between linguistics, psychology, and cognitive science]. In: A.N.Gusev and V.D.Solovyev (eds.) Materialy pervoj rossijskoj internet-konferencii po kognitivnoj nauke. Moscow: UMK Psixologija, 29-43 [pdf].

2004 Zero anaphora vs. zero person marking in Slavic: a chicken/egg dilemma? In: Antonio Branco, Tony McEnery and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.) DAARC 2004: 5th discourse anaphora and anaphor resolution colloquium. Proceedings. Lisbon: Edicoes Colibri, 87-90 [pdf].

2004 Review of: Anaphora: a cross-linguistic study, by Yan Huang. Oxford: OUP, 2000. Linguistic typology, 8-3, 389-393 [pdf].

2004 Coordination In Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan. In: Martin Haspelmath (ed.) Coordinating constructions. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 537-554 [pdf].

2003 Referencial’nye strategii v tuvinskom jazyke: korpusnye i eksperimental’nye dannye [Referential strategies in Tuvan: corpus-based and experimental data]. In: Teorija, tipologija i istorija jazykov. Materialy chtenij pamjati V.N.Jarcevoj. Vyp. I. Moscow: Institut jazykoznanija RAN, 249-259 [pdf].

2003 (together with Vera I. Podlesskaya) K sozdaniju korpusov ustnoj russkoj rechi: principy transkribirovanija [Towards the creation of corpora of Russian oral speech: principles of transcription] In: Nauchno-texnicheskaja informacija, serija 2, 2003.10: 5-13 [pdf].

2003 Opyt sociolingvisticheskogo oprosa v malom jazykovom soobshchetsve [An essay of a sociolinguistic survey in a little linguistic community]. In: First International symposium on field linguistics. Abstracts. Moscow: Institut of Linguistics RAN, 50-53.

2003 Analiz diskursa v kognitivnoj perspektive [Discourse analysis in a cognitive perspective]. Habilitation thesis. Moscow: Institute of Linguistics RAN. 90 pp.. [pdf]

2002 Jazyki mira i jazykovye arealy: prospekt uchebnika. [Languages of the world and language areas; A prospectus of a textbook]. In: Jazyki mira. Tipologija. Uralistika. Pamjati T. Zhdanovoj. Ed. by V.A.Plungian and A.Ju.Urmanichieva. Moscow: Indrik, 252-275 [pdf].

2002 Plus or minus switch-reference: referential strategies in Tuva. In: R.G.Buxaraev, V.D.Solovyev, and D.Sh.Sulejmanov (eds.) Trudy kazanskoj shkoly po komp’juternoj I kognitivnoj lingvistike TEL-2002. Kazan’: Otechestvo, 269-296 [pdf].

2002 Discourse types, genre schemata, and rhetorical structure. In: 6th conference on conceptual structure, discourse, and language. October 11-14, 2002. Houston, Texas: Rice University, 2002.

2002 Winning the prefixation contest: Athabaskan languages of North America. In: 10th International morphology meeting. Abstracts. Budapest, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2002, p. 36-37.

2002 (together with Irina M. Kobozeva and Irina A.Sekerina) Predislovie ko vtoromu izdaniju [Foreword to the second edition]. In: A.A.Kibrik, I.M. Kobozeva, and I.A.Sekerina (eds.) Sovremennaja amerikanskaja lingvistika: Fundamental’nye napravlenija. (Modern American linguistics: Fundamental trends. Moscow: URSS, 7-8 [pdf].

2002 Review of: Marianne Mithun. The languages of native North America. Cambridge: CUP, 1999. Linguistic typology, vol. 6-1: 117-122 [pdf].

2002 (together with V.I.Podlesskaya, T.M. Kal’kova, and A.O. Litvinenko) Cognitive structure of narrative discourse: the analysis of children’s night dream stories. In: Komp’juternaja lingvistija I intellektual’nye texnologii. Trudy mezhdunarodnogo seminara Dialog-2002. Vol. 1. Moscow: Nauka, 635-647 [link].

2002 Studies in Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan, a language of interior Alaska. In: O.A.Osipova et al. eds. Sravnitel’no-istoricheskoe i tipologicheskoe izuchenie jazykov i kul’tur: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii XXIII Dil’zonovskie chtenija. Part 1. Tomsk: Izdatel’stvo TGPU, 303-311 [pdf].

2002 A typologically oriented portrait of the Athabaskan language family. In: V.I.Podlesskaya et al. (eds.) Tret’ja zimnjaja tipologicheskaja shkola. Materialy lekcij i seminarov. Moscow: RGGU, 38-48 [pdf].

2001 Polisinteticheskie jazyki [Polysynthetic languages]. In: Enciklopedija Krugosvet (Internet encyclopedia “Krugosvet”). 5 pp.. [link]

2001 Wallace Chafe. In: Enciklopedija Krugosvet (Internet encyclopedia “Krugosvet”). 4 pp.. [link]

2001 Ligvisticheskaja geografija [Linguistic geography]. In: Enciklopedija Krugosvet (Internet encyclopedia “Krugosvet”). 8 pp.. [link]

2001 Anafora [Anaphora]. In: Enciklopedija Krugosvet (Internet encyclopedia “Krugosvet”). 8 pp.. [link]

2001 Dejksis [Deixis]. In: Enciklopedija Krugosvet (Internet encyclopedia “Krugosvet”). 7 pp.. [link]

2001 Navaxo. [Navajo]. In: Enciklopedija Krugosvet (Internet encyclopedia “Krugosvet”). 2 pp.. [link]

2001 Indejskie jazyki. [American Indian languages] In: Enciklopedija Krugosvet (Internet encyclopedia “Krugosvet”). 11 pp.. [link].

2001 Funkcionalizm v lingvistike. [Functionalism in linguistics]. In: Enciklopedija Krugosvet (Internet encyclopedia “Krugosvet”). 15 pp.. [link]

2001 Diskurs. [Discourse]. In: Enciklopedija Krugosvet (Internet encyclopedia “Krugosvet”). 17 pp.. [link]

2001 Cognitive discourse analysis: Some results. In: “Cognition in Language Use. Selected papers from the 7th International Pragmatics Conference”, Vol. 1. Edited by Eniko Nemeth T. Antwerp: International Pragmatics Association, 164-180 [pdf].

2001 Reference-maintenance in discourse. In: M.Haspelmath, E.Koenig et al. (eds.) Language typology and language universals. An international handbook. Vol. 2. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1123-1141 [pdf].

2000 A cognitive calculative approach towards discourse anaphora. In: Paul Baker, Andrew Hardie, Tony McEnery and Anna Siewierska (eds.) Proceedings of the Discourse anaphora and reference resolution conference (DAARC 2000). Lancaster University: University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language, Technical Papers 12, 72-82 [pdf].

2000 (together with Viktorija N.Jarceva, Vadim M.Solncev, Dzhoj I.Edel'man). "Jazyki mira": mnogoletnij proekt Instituta jazykoznanija RAN. ["Languages of the world": a longitudinal project of the Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences]. In: Vestnik RGNF, 1999.4: 13-23. [link]

1999 Review of: Anatole V. Lyovin. An introduction to the languages of the world. NY: Oxford University Press, 1997. American Anthropologist, 101.4: 12-14 [pdf].

1999 Tri axillesovy pjaty funkcionalizma [Three Achilles' heels of functionalism] In Ja.G. Testelec and E.V.Raxilina (eds.) Tipologija i teorija jazyka: Ot opisanija k ob'jasneniju. Moscow: Jazyki russkoj kul’tury, 36-49 [pdf].

1999 Cognitive inferences from discourse observations: Reference and working memory. In: K. van Hoek, A.A. Kibrik, and L. Noordman (eds.) Discourse studies in cognitive linguistics. Proceedings of the 5th International cognitive linguistics conference. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 29-52 [pdf1], [pdf2].

1998 Polevaja lingvisticheskaja rabota na Aljaske: Issledovanija verxnekuskokwimskogo atabaskskogo jazyka [Linguistic field work in Alaska: Studies in Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan]. In: A. Barabashev, A. Jagola et al. (eds.) Professionaly za sotrudnichestvo, vypusk 2. Moscow: Janus-K, 310-324 [pdf1], [pdf2].

1998 Nekotorye foneticheskie i grammaticheskie osobennosti russkogo dialekta derevni Ninilchik [Some phonetic and grammatical pecualiarities of the Russian dialect of the village of Ninilchik, Alaska]. In: V.F.Vydrin and A.A.Kibrik (eds.) Jazyk. Afrika. Ful'be. St. Petersburg - Moscow: Evropejskij Dom, 36-52 [pdf].

1997 (together with Vladimir A. Plungian) Funkcionalizm [Functionalism]. In: Andrej A. Kibrik, Irina M. Kobozeva, Irina A.Sekerina (eds.) Fundamental’nye napravlenija sovremennoj amerikanskoj lingvistiki. Sbornik obzorov. (Fundamental trends in modern American linguistic. Surveys).Moscow: Izdatel'stvo MGU, 276-339.

1997 (together with Irina M. Kobozeva and Irina A.Sekerina) Predislovie redaktorov [Editor’s foreword]. In: Andrej A. Kibrik, Irina M. Kobozeva, Irina A.Sekerina (eds.) Fundamental’nye napravlenija sovremennoj amerikanskoj lingvistiki. Sbornik obzorov. (Fundamental trends in modern American linguistic. Surveys). Moscow: Izdatel'stvo MGU, 9-12.

1997 Modelirovanie mnogofaktornogo processa: vybor referencial'nogo sredstva v russkom diskurse [Modelling multi-factorial processes: Referential choice in Russian discourse] In: Vestnik MGU 1997.4, 94-105 [pdf].

1996 Jazyk ne tak nelep, kak kazhetsja: glagol'noe soglasovanie v svanskom jazyke [Language is not as absurd as it may seem: Verbal agreement in Svan]. In: Linguistic studies, ed. by T.M.Nikolaeva et al. Moscow: Indrik, 478-493 [pdf].

1996 Transitivity in Godoberi lexicon and grammar. In: Godoberi. Ed. by Aleksandr E. Kibrik. LINCOM Europa, 107-146 [pdf].

1996 Anaphora in Russian narrative discourse: A cognitive calculative account. In: B.Fox (ed.) Studies in anaphora. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 255-304 [pdf].

1996 Transitivity decrease in Athabaskan languages. In: E. Jelinek et al. (eds.) Studies in Athabaskan linguistics. Albuquerque: UNM Press, 259-304 [pdf].

1995 Podderzhanie referencii v jazyke serer [Reference- maintenance in Sereer]. In: Problemy izuchenija jazykov Afriki. Ed. By V.A.Vinogradov, A.I.Koval'. Moscow: Institut jazykoznanija RAN, 62-68 [pdf].

1995 (together with M.B.Bergelson) The system of switch- reference in Tuva: converbal and masdar-case forms. E.Koenig and M.Haspelmath (eds.) Converbs in cross- linguistic perspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 373- 414 [pdf].

1994 Kognitivnye issledovanija po diskursu [Cognitive studies in discourse]. - Voprosy Jazykoznanija, No 5.

1993 Transitivity increase in Athabaskan Languages. - B.Comrie and M.Polinsky (eds.) Causatives and transitivity. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 47-67 [pdf].

1992 Mestoimenija kak dejkticheskoe sredstvo [Pronouns as a deictic device]. - Chelovecheskij faktor v jazyke. Kommunikacija. Modal'nost'. Dejksis. (Collective monograph by T.V.Bulygina and others.) Moscow: Nauka, 207-236 [pdf].

1992 Relativization in polysynthetic languages . - International Journal of American Linguistics, vol. 58, No 2, 135-157 [pdf].

1992 Dynamics of attention focus in narrative discourse: The Pulaar case. - Languages of the world, No 4, 4-12 [pdf].

1991 Maintenance of reference in sentence and discourse. - Winfred P.Lehmann, Helen-Jo J.Hewitt (eds.) Language typology. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 57-84 [pdf].

1991 O nekotoryx vidax znanij v modeli estestvennogo dialoga [On certain types of knowledge in a model of natural dialogue] // Voprosy jazykoznanija, 1991, #1, 61-69 [pdf].

1991 (together with M.B.Bergel'son) K tipologii sredstv vyrazhenija propozicional'noj derivacii [Toward a typology of propositional derivation]. In: Tipologija grammaticheskix kategorij. Tezisy dokladov Vsesojuznoj nauchnoj konferencii (red. L.A.Birjulin, V.S.Xrakovskij). L.: LO IJa AN SSSR, 4-8 [pdf].

1990 Review of: Russell S. Tomlin. 1986. Basic word order: Functional principles. L.: Croom Helm // Voprosy jazykoznanija, 1990, #3, 147-150 [pdf].

1990 Poslelogi v navaxo: poterja statusa chasti rechi. [Postpositions in Navajo: The lost of the part-of-speech status]. V.M.Alpatov (ed.) Chasti rechi. Moscow: Nauka, 234-253 [pdf].

1990 Mestoimenija: morfologicheskie, sintaksicheskie i diskursivnye aspekty [Pronouns: morphological, syntactic, and discourse aspects]. In: E.S.Kubrjakova (ed.) Teorija grammatiki, Moscow: INION, 139-201.

1988 Anafora v polipredikativnyx konstrukcijax v pular [Anaphora in the Pulaar multiclausal constructions]. - Jazyk v Afrike: lingvisticheskie problemy sovremennoj afrikanistiki (Ed. R.N.Ismagilova, N.V.Oxotina). Moscow: Institut Afriki AN SSS, 146-154.

1987 (together with M.B.Bergel'son) Perekljuchenie referencii v tuvinskom jazyke [Switch-reference in Tuva]. - Sovetskaja Tjurkologija, 1987, no. 2, 16-32 [pdf]; no. 4, 30-45 [pdf].

1987 Mexanizmy ustranenija refencial'nogo konflikta v russkom jazyke [Mechanisms of referential conflict elimination in Russian] . - Modelirovanie jazykovoj dejatel'nosti v intellektual'nyx sistemax (Ed. A.E.Kibrik, A.S.Narin'jani). Moscow: Nauka, 128-146 [pdf].

1987 Fokusirovanie vnimanija i mestoimenno-anaforicheskaja nominacija [Focusing of attention and pronominal anaphora]. - Voprosy jazykoznanija, 1987, no. 3, 79-90 [pdf].

1985 Absentiv-Aorist und Resultativ in der Andischen Sprache. - Heinz Faehnrich (Hrsg.) Sprachen Europas und Asiens. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller Universitaet, 55-67.

1983 Ob anafore, dejksise i ix sootnoshenii [On anaphora, deixis, and the correlation between them]. In: - Razrabotka i primenenie lingvisticheskix processorov (ed. A.S.Narin'jani) Novosibirsk: VC SO AN SSSR, 107-129.

For a full list of publications click here (under construction)

Co-edited books

2008 (together with Ju.I. Alexandrov, B.M.Velichkovsky et al.) The Third International Conference on Cognitive Science. Abstracts. Vol. 1, 2. Moscow: Xudozhestvenno-izdatel'skij centr. 584 pp.

2008 (together with A.V.Arxipov, L.M.Zaxarov et al.) Fonetika i nefonetika. K 70-letiju Sandro V. Kodzasova. [Phonetics and non-phonetics. For the 70th birthday of Sandro V. Kodzasov.] Moscow: JaSK. 848 pp.

2006 (together with V.N.Toporov, M.V.Zav’jalova, and others) Jazyki mira: Baltijskie jazyki. [Languages of the world: Baltic languages]. Moscow: Academia. 224 pp.

2005 (together with Aleksandr M. Moldovan, Sergej S. Skorvid, and others). Jazyki mira: Slavjanskie jazyki [Languages of the world: Slavic languages]. Moscow: Academia. 656 pp.

2004 (together with B.M.Velichkovsky and others) Pervaja rossijskaja konferencija po kognitivnoj nauke. Tezisy dokladov [First Russian conference on cognitive scienc. Abstracts. Kazan: KGU. 302 pp.

2004 (together with T.Ja.Elizarenkova and L.I.Kulikov) Jazyki mira: Indoarijskie jazyki drevnego I srednego periodov [Languages of the World: Indo-Aryan languages of the old and middle periods]. Moscow: Academia. 160 pp.

2002 (together with I.M.Kobozeva and I.A.Sekerina) Sovremennaja amerikanskaja lingvistika: fundamental'nye napravlenija [Modern American linguistics: fundamental trends]. Moscow: URSS. 478 pp.

1999 (together with K. van Hoek and L. Noordman) Discourse studies in cognitive linguistics. Proceedings of the 5th International cognitive linguistics conference. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 187 pp.

1998 (together with V.F.Vydrin) Jazyk. Afrika. Ful'be (Language. Africa. Fulbe). St. Petersburg - Moscow: Evropejskij Dom. 358 pp.

1997 (together with I.M.Kobozeva and I.A.Sekerina) Fundamental'nye napravlenija sovremennoj amerikanskoj lingvistiki. Sbornik obzorov [Fundamental trends in modern American linguistics. Surveys]. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU. 455 pp.

1997 (together with V.P.Volodin and N.B.Vaxtin) Jazyki mira: Paleoaziatskie jazyki [Languages of the world: Paleoasiatic languages]. Moscow: Indrik. 230 pp.

1997 (together with E.R.Tenishev, E.A.Poceluevskij, and I.V.Kormushin) Jazyki mira: Tjurkskie jazyki [Languages of the world: Turkic languages]. Moscow: Indrik. 542 pp.

1990 (together with V.M.Solncev, V.M.Alpatov and others) Vsesojuznaja konferencija po lingvisticheskoj tipologii. Tezisy dokladov. [All-Union conference on linguistic typology. Abstracts.] Moscow: Institut jazykoznanija AN SSSR. 206 pp.