Handouts and PowerPoint presentations Languages of the world”: ongoing projects. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference “Cognitive modeling in Linguistics”. Montenegro, September 2008 [ppt]. Multimodal linguistics: Directions of research. Invited talk presented at the 10th International Conference “Cognitive modeling in Linguistics”. Montenegro, September 2008 [ppt]. (together with Vera I. Podlesskaya) Is sentence viable? Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Science. Moscow, June 2008 [ppt]. (together with Ekaterina M. El’bert) Understanding spoken discourse: The contribution of three information channels Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Science. Moscow, June 2008 [ppt]. Struktura diskursa i ee kognitivnye osnovanija [Discourse structure and its cognitive underpinnings. Paper presented at the conference “Problems of computational applied linguistics”, Odessa, April 2008 [ppt]. (together with Ekaterina M. El’bert) Ponimanie ustnogo diskursa: vklad trex informacionnyx kanalov [Understanding spoken discourse: The contribution of three information channels]. Paper presented at the International conference “Megaling-2007”. Partenit, Crimea, September 2007 [ppt]. Referencial'nyj vybor: lingvisticheskie, psihologicheskie i vychislitel'nye aspekty [Referential choice: linguistic, psychological, and computational aspects]. Invited talk presented at the seminar at the Research Computational Center, Moscow State University, June 2007 [ppt]. Spoken discourse and natural grammar. Paper presented at the linguistics seminar at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, December 2006 [ppt]. Multi-factorial choices in speaking. 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Science, St Petersburg, June 10, 2006 [ppt]. Lingvistika i kognitivnaja nauka: nuzhny li oni drug drugu? [Linguistics and Cognitive Science: Do they need each other?] Paper presented at the anniversary of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, MGU, October 29, 2005 [ppt]. Diskurs griota [A griot’s discourse]. Typological School IV, Caxkadzor, September 25, 2005 [ppt]. Opyt sociolingvisticheskogo obsledovanija malogo jazykovogo soobshchestva. [An essay of a sociolinguistic survey of a little linguistic community]. Invited talk at the Institute of sociology RAN, January 20, 2005 [pdf]. Is there case in head-marking languages? LENCA-2, Kazan, May 2004 [pdf]. Lexical semantics as a key to typological peculiarities. ALT-5, Cagliari, September 15, 2003 [pdf]. Discourse types, genre schemata, and rhetorical structure. In: 6th conference on conceptual structure, discourse, and language. October 11-14, 2002. Houston, Texas: Rice University, 2002 [ppt]. A typologically oriented portrait of the Athabaskan language family. ALT-4, Santa Barbara, July 19, 2001 [pdf]. Navajo dative: Two bi- or not two bi-? SSILA meeting, Santa Barbara, July 2001 [pdf]. Reference and working memory. What discourse can tell us about cognition. Invited talk at Dresden Technical University. April 2001 [ppt]. Speaking and writing Navajo. Conference on American Indian languages. San Francisco, November 21, 1996 [pdf]. For a full list of presented papers click here Under construction. |