This file in form: LATEX, dvi, PS, PDF.
1. Khmelev D.V. Reconstruction of linear index expressions for reducing programs to a linear class//Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki. Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, 1998, vol.38, pp.532-544. Translated in ``Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics'', 1998, vol. 38, No.3, pp.513-525. HTML, LATEX, dvi, PS.
2. Khmelev D.V. Limiting theorems for asymmetrical transportation networks//Fundamental and Applied mathematics, 2001, vol.7, no.4, pp. 1259-1266 PS Abstract (in Russian) gif Abstract gif
3. Oseledets V.I., Khmelev D.V. Stochastic transportation networks and the stability of dynamical systems//Teoriya Veroyatnostei i ee Primeneniya, 2001, v.46, No.1, pp.147-154. Translated in `Theory of Probability and its Applications''. Text PS PDF
4. Oseledets V.I., Khmelev D.V. Global stability of infinite systems of nonlinear differential equations, and non-homogeneous countable Markov chains (in Russian)[Global'naya ustoichivost' beskonechnykh system nelineinykh differencial'nykh uravnenii]//Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 2000, vol.36, no.1, pp.60-76. Translated in ``Problems of Information Transmission'', 2000, vol.36, no.1, pp.54-70
5. Khmelev D.V. Markov chains and classification of text passages. (in Russian) [Raspoznavaniye avtora teksta s ispol'zovaniyem cepei A.A. Markova] Vestnik MGU, Ser.9:Philologiya, No 2, 2000, pp. 115-126. Text PS PDF (From Word PDF HTML RTF)
6. Khmelev D.V. Disputed Authorship Resolution through Using Relative Empirical Entropy for Markov Chains of Letters in Human Language Text//Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 2000, Volume 7, No 3, pp.201-207. HTML MS Word
7. Kukushkina O.V., Polikarpov A.A., Khmelev D.V., Using Literal and Grammatical Statistics for Authorship Attribution (in Russian) [Opredeleniye avtorstva teksta s ispol'zovaniyem bukvennoi i grammaticheskoi informacii]//Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 2001, vol.37, no.2, pp.96-108. Translated in ``Problems of Information Transmission'', pp. 172-184. Text in Russian in English PS (in Russian) PS (in English) PDF (in Russian) PDF (in English)
8. Khmelev D., Tweedie F. Using Markov Chains for Identification of Writers//Literary and Linguistic Computing, 2001, vol.16, no.4, pp.299-307. Text LATEX PS PDF
9. Khanin K., Khmelev D., Rybko A., Vladimirov A. Steady solutions for FIFO networks//Moscow Mathematical Journal, vol.1, no.3, pp.407-419. PDF Local PDF.
1. Afanassieva L.G., Khmelev D.V. Large transportation networks with finite-dimensional state space. Asymptotic approach//Proc. of 7th Vilnus Conference on Math. Stat., 1998. Text LATEX PS PDF
2. Afanassieva L.G., Khmelev D.V. Large transportation networks with a finite-dimensional state space//Teorija Verojatnostei i ee Primenenija 1999, vol.44, N1, p.157-158. Translated to English in ``Theory of Probability and its Applications'' 1999, vol.44, N1, p.142-143. Text in Russian PS (in Russian) PDF (in Russian)
3. Khmelev D.V., Oseledets V.I. Mean-field approximation for stochastic transportation network and stability of dynamical system//Technical Report 445, University of Bremen, June 1999. Preprint. PS and Abstract. Local PS and Abstract.
4. Khmelev D., Spodarev E. Stability of infinite closed Jackson networks//XX International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Lublin - Naleczow, 5-11 September, 1999, Abstracts, p.85. PS from E.Spodarev's site and local version.
5. Khmelev D., Polikarpov A.A. Basic Assumptions about a Sign's Life Cycle for Mathematical Modelling of Language System Evolution//Proceedings of the fourth conference of the International Quantitative Linguistics Association edited by R.H. Baayen. Prague, August 24-26, 2000. Text LATEX PS PDF
6. Khmelev D. Disputed Authorship Resolution Using Relative Empirical Entropy For Markov Chain of Letters in a Text//Proceedings of the fourth conference of the International Quantitative Linguistics Association edited by R.H. Baayen. Prague, August 24-26, 2000. Text LATEX PS PDF
7. Khmelev D.V., Spodarev E. Infinite closed Jackson networks. Technical Report Math/Inf/00/07, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, April 2000. PS from E.Spodarev's site and local version.
8. Khmelev D., Spodarev E. ``Non-homogeneous zero-range interaction processes'', resume of the contribution to the XX Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Lublin - Naleczow, september 5-11 1999. PS from E.Spodarev's site and local version.
9. Khmelev D.V. Complexity Approach to Disputed Authorship Attribution (In Russian: Slozhnostnoi podkhod k zadache opredeleniya avtorstva)//Proceedings of the International Congress ``Russian Language: Contemporaneity and Fates in History'', pp.426-427, Moscow, March 2001. HTML PDF RTF (MS Word)
1. Khanin K., Khmelev D. Homeomorphisms of the circle with the break-type singularity I. Periodic Rotation Numbers. (in preparation, 2001)
2. Khmelev D. Periodic trajectories for homeomorphisms of the circle with two break-type singularities. (in preparation, 2001)
1. Khmelev D.V. On program ``Repetitor''// Text PS PDF
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