Large transportation networks with finite-dimensional state space. Asimptotic approach.
August 1998
L.G. Afanassieva, D.V. Khmelev
Department of Mathematics and Mechanics
Moscow Lomonosov State University
Consider an open network consisting of N nodes (stations) and V(N) cars, which circulate among the stations. The network is divided into n clusters. As N increases the number of clusters does not change. Cluster j contains dNj N stations, еj = 1n dNj = 1. There exists dj > 0 so that [(ЦN(djN-dj) N®Ґ) || (® 0)] for j = [`1,n]. Later j and v denote cluster numbers and they take values from 1 to n. The arrival process to a station of cluster j is a Poisson one with the rate lj.
If arrived customer finds a car at the node he takes it to reach his destination. Cluster v is chosen via routing matrix P = {pjv}j,v = [`1,n]. The destination station in the cluster v is chosen uniformly. After having reached their destinations, customers leave the network.
The fully symmetric network was considered in [1]. Our model represents an asymmetric generalization of [1]. The travel time from a station in cluster j to a station in cluster v is exponentionally distributed with a parameter mjv. The travel time between two stations in cluster j is also exponentionally distributed with a parameter mjj. A customer which upon arrival does not find an available car and finds free waiting place joins the queue. Otherwise he leaves the network. Capacities of waiting rooms for customers in cluster v are supposed limited by kv for each station. There are mv parking lots for servers at each station. If a car finds a station in cluster v empty and number of cars at the station is less then mv, it stops and waits for the next customer at this node. Otherwise, it is directed to cluster l via routing matrix [P\tilde] = {[p\tilde]vl}v,l = [`1,n]. The car chooses a station inside cluster l uniformly.
Initially, each station in cluster j has rj servers where rj is integer from 0 to mj, V(N) = (r1d1N+ј+rndnN)N. Matrix P[P\tilde] is assumed to be ergodic.
Let xj,i(t) be a fraction of nodes in state i at cluster j among all N stations, еi = -kjmjxj,i(t) = dNj. Let [M\tilde]jv(t) denotes the number of cars driving from cluster j to cluster v at the moment t. One can describe the state of the network as a vector x О Ra with a = n2+еv = 1n (kv+mv+1) components: x = (M11, M12, ј, M1n, M21, ј, Mnn, x1,-k1, x1,-k1+1, ј, x1,m1, x2,-k2, ј, xn,mn), where Mjv(t) = [M\tilde]jv(t)/N. It is clear that the stochastic process XNt = x(t) is the ergodic Markov chain.
Let xt(x) be a solution of the following system of ordinary differential equations with the initial point x0(x) = x:
for j, v = [`1,n], i = -[`(kj+1,mj-1)]. Here Sj+ є djеi = 1mj xj,i, Sj- є djеi = -kj-1xj,i, Mj є еl = 1n mlj Mlj. Let ex denote a distribution which is concentrated in a point x О Ra.
= (lj dj xj,-kj+1 - Mj xj,-kj )/dj,
= (lj dj xj,i+1- (lj dj + Mj )xj,i + Mj xj,i-1)/dj,
= (-lj dj xj,mj + Mj xj,mj-1 )/dj,
= pjv ж
иlj dj Sj++ Mj Sj- ц
ш-mjvMjv+ dj Mj xj,mj ~
If XN0 ® ex weakly then
(i) [(sup0 Ј s Ј t |XNs-xs(x)| P) || (® 0)] for all t і 0 as N®Ґ,
(ii) proceses ЦN(XNt-xt(x)) weakly converges to a continuous process Y with independent increments and covariation function [^C](x). Here [^C](x) = т0t c(xs(x))ds and c is a matrix function which can be written in explicit form.
The results obtained allow to study some parameters of XNt with the help of non-linear dynamical system xt(x).
[1] L.G. Afanassieva, G. Fayolle, S.Yu. Popov. Models for transportation networks.
Last modified Fri May 24 19:47:23 BST 2002