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1. Marx K. and Engels F. Works, 2nd Edition
2. Lenin V.I. Complete Works
3. Abramyan L.A. Gnoseological Problems of the Theory of Signs. Erevan. Academy of Sciences, Arm.SSR. 1965.
4. Agudov V.V. Quantity, Quality, Structure. "Philosophical Problems", 1967, No.1.
5. Adamar Z.H. An investigation into the Psychology of the Invention Process in the field of Mathematics. Moscow "Soviet Radio", 1970.
6. Akof R. General Theory of Systems and Systems Research as Contrary Scientific Concepts of Systems. Appendix, General Theory of Systems. Moscow. "Mir", 1966.
7. Albrecht E. The Active Role of Language in the Cognition Process. "Philosophical Problems", 1962, No.7.
8. Anokhin P.K. Advance Reflection of Reality. "Philosophical Problems", 1970, No.6.
9. Anokhin P.K. The Chemical Continuum of the Brain as a Mechanism for Reflecting Reality. "Philosophical Problems", 1970, No.6.
10. Anokhin P.K. Methodological Analysis of Junction Problems of the Conditional Reflex. Philosophical Problems of Higher (conventional) Nerve Activity and Psychology. Moscow, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1963.
11. Ancient Theories of Language and Style, Anthology. Mosc/Len. Sotsekgiz, 1936.
12. Apresyan YU.D. On the Concepts and Methods of Structural Lexicology. Problems of Structural Linguistics. Moscow. USSR Academy of Sciences, 1962.
13. Apresyan Yu. D. Ideas and Methods of Contemporary Structural Linguistics. Moscow. Enlightenment, 1966.
14. Apresyan Yu.D. Experimental Research into the Semantics of the Russian Verb. Moscow. "Science", 1967.
15. Apresyan Yu.D. Conversives as a Means of Synoym Transformation of Linguistic Information. Problems of Applied Linguistics, Abstracts, MGPIIYa, M.Thorez, 1969.
16. Aristotle. The Soul. Mosc/Leningrad, Stotsekgiz, 1937.
17. Arutyunova N.D. The Communicative Function and the Meaning of the word. "Philological Sciences", 1973, No.3.
18. Bally S. General Linguistics and Problems of the French Language. Moscow, IL., 1955.
19. Bartini R.O. The Correlations between Physical Sizes. Problems of the Theory of Gravitation and Elementary Particles. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1966.
20. Berztiss A.T. Data Structures. Moscow, "Statistics", 1974.
21. Bibler V.S. Thinking as Creativity (Introduction to the Logic of Mental Dialogue). Moscow, IPL., 1975.
22. Birukoff B.V. Goyylob Grege's Sense Theory. The Application of Logic in Science and Engineering. Moscow. Academy of Sciences of USSR. 1960.
23. Blauberg I.V. Ydin E.G. The Formation and the Essence of the Systemic Approach. Moscow. "Science", 1973.
24. Baudouin de Courtenay. I.A. Selected Works on the Science of Language. Vol.1 and II. Moscow. Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1963.
25. Borgosh Yu. Foma Akvinsky. Moscow. "Thought", 1975.
26. Budagoff R.A. The Category of Meaning in the General Theory of Language. Problems of Linguistics Accounts and Reports of Soviet Scientists at the Tenth International Linguistics Conference. Moscow. "Science",1967.
27. Budagoff R.A. The Problem of the Development of Language. Moscow/Leningrad. Academy of Sciences of USSR. 1965.
28. Bunge M. Causality. The Place of the Principle of Causality in Contemporary Science. Moscow. "Progress", 1962.
29. Bykhovsky B.E. Gassendi. Moscow. "Thought", 1974.
30. Bardul I.F. Outlines of the Potential Syntax of the Japanese Language. Moscow. "Science", 1964.
31. Bardul I.F. Questions of Linguistic Taxonomy (Syntax and Suprasyntax). Doctoral Dissertation I.YA Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1973.
32. Venikov V.A. Certain Methodological Problems of Modelling. "Problems of Philosophy", 1964, No.11.
33. Vereshchagin E.M. Psychological and Methodological Characteristics of Bi-lingualism. Moscow State University, 1969.
34. Petrov A.A. Semiotics and its Basic Problems. Moscow, Politizdat. 1966.
35. Viner H. I am a Mathematician. Moscow, "Science", 1967.
36. Voyshvillo E.K. Concept. Moscow State University, 1967,
37. Volkov A.G. Language as a System of Signs. Moscow State University, 1967.
38. Volkov A.G. Khabarov I.A. Semiotics and Society. The Semiotics of the means of Mass Communication. Part 2. Moscow State University, 1973.
39. Vygotsky L.S. The Problem of Awareness. The Psychology of Grammar. Moscow State University, 1968.
40. Vygotsky L.S. Selected Psychological Researches. Moscow. A.P.N., RSF. S.R. 1956. The Semantic Structure of the word. Psycholinguistic Investigations. Moscow. "Science". 1971.
41. Vygotsky L.S. Discussion of A.R.Luriya's Ideas. The Psychology of Grammar. Moscow State University, 1966.
42. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and Speech. Moscow. APN. RSF. SR. 1956.
43. Hegel The Science of Logic. Vols. 1-3, Moscow. "Thought", 1970-1972.
44. Hegel Hegel's Works. Moscow/Leningrad, 1929-1959.
45. Herzen A.I. Selected Philosophical Works. Moscow. Gospolitizdat, 1946.
46. Gorsky D.P. The Role of Language in Recognition. Thinking and Language. Moscow. I.P.L., 1957.
47. Gott V., Ursul A. General Scientific Concepts and their Role in Recognition. "Communist", 1974, No. 9.
48. Gretsky M.N. French Structuralism. Moscow."Knowledge", 1971.
49. Davydovsky I.V. Adaptive Processes in Pathology. -"USSR. AMN. Herald", 1962, No.4.
50. Johnson R. Kast F. Rosenweig Z. Systems and Management (The Theory of Systems and the Management of Systems). Moscow. "Soviet Radio", 1972.
51. Dorofeyev G.V., Martemyanov Y.S. Logical Deduction and the Discovery of Links Between Sentences in a Text. Machine Translation and Applied Linguistics. 12th Edition. M.Thorez M G P I I Y., 1969.
52. Yevreinov E.V., Kosarev Y.G. Homogenous Universal High Productivity Computing Systems. Novosibirsk, "Science", 1966.
53. Hjelmslev L. Prolegomenes to the Theory of Language. Recent Developments in Linguistics. 1st Edition, Moscow. IL. 1960.
54. Hjelmslev L. Structural Analysis Method in Linguistics. V.A. Zvegintsev: History of Linguistics in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries in Short Essays and Extracts Part II. Moscow. "Enlightenment", 1965.
55. Zhinkin N.I. Grammar and Sense (Analysis of the Case of Semantic Aphasia in a Child). Language and the Human Being. M.G.U. 1970.
56. Zhinkin N.I. Code Transitions in Internal Speech. -"Problems of Linguistics", 1964, No.6.
57. Zholkovsky A.K. and others. Towards the Construction of an Operating "Sense Text" Language Model. Machine Translation and Applied Linguistics. No.11. M.Thorez MGP11Y, 1969. 56. Zveginstev V.A. Language and Linguistic Theory. M.G.U., 1975.
59. Zvegintsev V.A. Semasiology. M.G.U., 1957.
60. Ilyenkov E.V. Dialectical Logic. Short Accounts of the History and Theory. Moscow, Politizdat, 1974.
61. Ilyenkov E.V. The Dialectic of the Abstract and the Concrete in Marx's "Kapital". Moscow, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1960.
62. Integral Robots. Collection of Articles. Editor: E.G. Poznyak. Moscow, "MIR", No.1. 1975, No.2. 1975.
63. Operations Research (Methodological Aspects). Moscow. Collection edited by A.A.Lyapunov. Moscow, "Science", 1972.
64. Researches into the General Theory of Systems. Moscow, "Progress", 1969.
65. Karnap R. Meaning and Necessity. Moscow, IL, 1959.
66. Kartsevsky S. The Asymmetric Dualism of the Linguistic Sign. V.A. Zvegintsev: History of Linguistics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries in Short Essays and Extracts. Part II, Moscow. "Enlightenment", 1965.
67. Klimenko A.P. Problems of the Psycholinguistic Study of Semantics. Minsk, "Senior School", 1970.
68. Komlev N.G. Components of a Word's Content Structure. M.G.U., 1969.
69. Korothkov N.N, Norm, System, and Structure as Stages in the Analysis and Description of Linguistic Structure. Problematic Aspects of the Grammar of the Chinese Language. Moscow, "Science", 1963.
70. Coles S. Working with a Machine in Natural Language. Problems of Contemporary Cybernetics. Moscow. "Knowledge", 1975.
71. Kochergin A.N. Modelling Thinking. Moscow. I.P.L.1969.
72. Krushinsky L.V. A Possible Method of Reasoning."Nature" 1974. No.5.
73. Kubryakova E.S. Melnikov G.P. On the Concepts of the Linguistic System and the Structure of Language. General Linguistics, The Internal Structure of Language. Moscow, "Science", 1972.
74. Kuzichev A.S. Venn's Diagrams. Moscow, "Science", 1966.
75. Kuznetsov P.G. Artificial Intellect and the Reason of the Human. Supplement to the work: E.A. Alexandrov. Bases for Heuristic Decisions. Moscow, Soviet Radio, 1975.
76. Kuznetsov P.G. The Universal Language for Describing Physical Laws. The Semiotics of the Means of Mass Communication. Part II. M.G.U. 1973.
77. Kurilovich E. Notes on the Meaning of the Word. Essays on Linguistics. Moscow. T.L. 1962.
78. Leontiev A.A. The Psychological Structure of Meaning.
79. Litvinenko A.S. Comprehension During Translation. Theory and Method of Academic Translation. Moscow, RSFSR APN, 1950.
80. Lyudskanov A. Selective Strategy for Machine Translation International Seminar on Machine Translation. Moscow, V.I.S. P. 1975.
81. Markaryan E.S. Human Society as a Particular Type of Organisation. "Philosophical Problems", 1971, No.10.
82. Martemyanov Y.S. Actual Division of the Phrases: Sense, Recognition, Translation. Problems of Applied Linguis-tics. Abstracts. Part II. M. Thorez M.G. PIIY, 1969.
83. Machavariani M.V. On the Subject of Linguistics. Lectures and Reports of Soviet Scientists at the Tenth International Congress of Linguists. Moscow, "Science" 1967.
84. Machavariani M.V. On the Inter-relationship between Mathematics and Linguistics. "Questions of Linguistics" 1963. No.3.
85. Medvedyev N.V. The Theory of Reflection and its Foundation in Natural Science. Moscow, Sotsekgiz, 1963.
86. Melnikov G.P. The Language of a Machine and the Plane of Content (Ways of Creating a Self-instructing Translation Machine). Abstracts, Congress on Mathematical Linguistics, L.G.U., 1959.
87. Melnikov G.P. Interaction of the Levels Structure in Languages of Semitic Structure. Semitic Languages. No.2 (Part 2).
88. Melnikov G.P. Causes of the Break-down of Symmetry in the Kirghiz Vowel System. "Soviet Turkology",1970 No.1.
89. Melnikov G.P. The Determinant - The Leading Grammatical Tendency of Language. Phonetics, Phonology, Grammar. Moscow, "Science", 1971.
90. Melnikov G.P. Okbotina N.V. Revealing the Determinant and Classifying the Morphemes of Bantu (in Swahili Material). Problems in African Linguistics: Typology, Com-parison and Description of the Languages. Moscow,"Science", 1971.
91. Melnikov G.P. Principles of the Turkic Linguistics applied to problems of the Turkic Languages. Structure and History of Turkic Languages. Moscow, "Science", 1971.
92. Melnikov G.P. Several "Why's in the field of Azerbaid-jani Vocalism. Problems of Turkology: Of the 60th Anniversary of M.LC. Shiraliev, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Azssr. Baku, "ELM", 1971.
93. Melnikov G.P. An Altaic Hypothesis from the viewpoint of systemic linguistics. The Problem of the Community of Altaic Languages. Leningrad, "Science", 1971.
94. Melnikov G.P. Mongol Vocalism and the Altaic Hypothesis. The Problem of the Community of Altaic Languages. Leningrad, "Science", 1971.
95. Melnikov G.P. Semantics and Systemic Typology. Problems of Semantics, Abstracts. Moscow, "Science", 1971.
96. Melnikov G.P. Determinant Classification of Languages and Bantu Languages. African Ethnographic Symposium, IX, New Series. Vol.100. Leningrad, "Science", 1972.
97. Melnikov G.P. Structural Linguistics or Systemic Linguistics? Papers of the All-Union Conference on General Linguistics. Basic Problems of the Evolution of Language Part I, Samarkand, Navoi G.U. 1966.
98. Melnikov G.P. The Morphological Structure of Language and the Means of Word-Differentiation. Research on Phonology. Moscow, "Science", 1966.
99. Melnikov G.P. Systemic Linguistics and their relation to Structural Linguistics. Problems of Linguistics: Reports and Accounts of Scientists at the Tenth International Congress of Linguistics. Moscow, "Science", 1967.
100. Melnikov G.P. Structure of Language; The Distinction between Structure and System. General Linguistics: A Study and Methodological aid for Correspondence Course Students of State University Philological Faculties. M.G.U., 1968.
101. Melnikov G.P. Systemic Analysis of the causes of the unique character of Semitic Consonantism (Systematic Calculations and Development). V.I.Lenin M.G.P.I., 1966.
102. Melnikov G.P. Language as a system and linguistic universals. Linguistic Universals and Linguistic Typology. Moscow, "Science", 1969.
103. Melnikov G.P. Systemic Approach to Linguistics. Systemic Research [Annual Publication] 1972. Moscow, "Science", 1973.
104. Melnikov G.P. The Linguistic Sign, Meaning and the Term. Scientific Symposium: The Place of Terminology in the System of Contemporary Sciences, M.G.U., 1969.
105. Melnikov G.P. Speech Activity in Bi-lingualism. Fourth Seminar on Questions of the Theory and Practice of Translating Scientific and Technical Literature. Moscow TBILISI, 1970.
106. Melnikov G.P. Preserving the Equivalence of Meanings and the Equivalence of Senses in the Translation of Scientific and Technical Literature. Fifth Seminar on Questions of the Theory and Practice of Translating Scientific and Technical Literature. Moscow, Yaroslavl, 1971.
107. Melnikov G.P. Meaning, Sense and Types of Significances of the Linguistic Sign. A Scientific Symposium: Semiotic Problems of the Languages of Science, of Termology, and of Information Transfer. M.G.U., 1971.
108. Melnikov G.P. Language and Speech, Meaning and Sense. Scientific Seminar on the Problem "Language and Speech" Abstracts. TBILISI, "Science", 1971.
109. Melnikov G.P. Semantics and the Problems of Turkology "Soviet Turkology". 1971, No.6.
110. Melnikov G.P. Types of Thinking Unite, indicated by Linguistic Signs. Problems of Semantics, Abstracts. Moscow, "Science", 1971.
111. Melnikov G.P. The Possibilities in principle of Conveying the Content of a text in machine translation with modern computers. The Theory and Practice of Scientific and Technical Information. M.D.N.T.P., 1974.
112. Melnikov G.P., Muranivsky T.V. The Degree of Semant-icism of Contemporary I.P. The Theory and Practice of Scientific and Technical Information. M.D.N.T.P.,1974.
113. Melnikov G.P. Types of the Linguistic Sign and the Language Determinant. Problems of Semantics. Moscow, "Science", 1974.
114. Melnikov G.P. The Psychic and Logical Nature of Reading and Understanding a Text. The Language of Scientific Literature [Linguistic Problems and Teaching Methodology). The Department of Foreign Languages of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: Abstracts and Reports of the Twentieth Scientific and Methodological Conference. Moscow, 1975.
115. Melnikov G.P. Discovering the Principles of the Systemic Division of Vocabulary on the Basis of Modelling Linguistic Intercourse. Actual Problems of Lexicology. Abstracts and Reports of the All-Union Scientific Conference, 17-20 June 1970. Minsk, B.G.U.. 1970.
116. Melnikov G.P. The Types of Dualism of the Linguistic Sign. "Philological Sciences", 1971, No.5.
117. Melnikov G.P. An Alphabet of Mathematical Logic. Moscow, "Knowledge", 1957.
118. Melnikov G.P. Phonology and the Concept of the Construct. Phonological Symposium: Papers of the Mezhvuov Conference. No.2., Donetsk, G.U., 1953.
119. Melnikov G.P. Structuralism in the Developmental History of the Natural and Humanitarian Sciences. The XIII International Congress on the History of Science. Section No.1., Subsection: The History and Perspectives of the Development of the Systemic Approach and the General Theory of Systems. Moscow, "Science", 1971.
120. Melnikov G.P. The Systemic, Structural and Active Approach in Semiotics and Linguistics. A Scientific Symposium: The Semiotic Problems of the Languages of Science, of Terminology and Information Transfer. Part I. M.G.U., 1971.
121. Melnikov G.P.. Muranivsky T.V. Systemic Methods in Information Transfer and Scientific and Information Activity. The Theory and Practice of Scientific and Technical Information. M.D.N.T.P., 1973.
122. Melnikov G.P. Information Transfer, Language and Speech. The Theory and Practice of Scientific and Technical Information. M.D.N.T.P., 1974.
123. Melnikov G.P. Structuralism and the Systemic Approach in the Developmental History of Science. Transactions of the XIII International Congress on the History of Science. Section 1A. Moscow, "Science", 1974.
124. Melnikov G.P., Muranivsky T.V. The Essence and Functions of Information Transfer. The Theory and Practice of Scientific and Technical Information. M.D.N.T.P., 1975.
125. Melnikov G.P. The Essence of Predication and the Methods of its Linguistic Expression. Invariable Syntactic Meanings and the Structure of the Sentence. Moscow, "Science", 1959.
126. Melnikov G.P. The Syntactic Structure of Turkic Languages from the position of Systemic Linguistics. "The Peoples of Asia and Africa", 1959, No.5.
127. Melnikov G.P. The Linguistic Stratification and Classification of Languages. Units of the Various Levels of Grammatical Structure and their Interaction.Moscow, "Science", 1959.
128. Melnikov G.P. The Diagnostic Context for Revealing the Minimal Communicative Units of Speech Flow. Structural and Mathematical Methods of Modelling Language. Abstracts and Reports of the All-Union Scientific Conference, Part II. Kiev, K.G.U., 1970.
129. Melnikov G.P. The Problem of the Nature of the Units of a Logical and Grammatical Division of a Sentence. The first All-Union Conference on the Theory and Pract-ice of Translation (The Functional Style of Scientific and Technical Literature), Abstracts. Kaunas, 1975.
130. Melnikov G.P. Binomial Determinant Constructions and Essential Features of the Structure of the Turkish Language. Congress Abstracts, Problems of Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, and Lexis (In the Language Material of Various Systems). Moscow, "Science", 1966.
131. Melnikov G.P. The Basic Types of Expression of Attribution in Swahili. Conference of Doctoral Students and Young Scientific Personnel, Supplementary papers on Linguistics. Moscow, "Science", 1967.
132. Melnichuk A.S. The Concept of the System and Structure of a Language in the Light of Dialectic Materialism. Leninism and the Theoretical Problems of Linguistics. Moscow, "Science", 1970.
133. Language and Man. A Collection of Articles to the Memory of P.S. Kuznetsc , Editor : V.A. Zvegintsev, M.G.U., 1970.
134. Milne L.J.. Milne M. The Feelings of Animals and Man. Moscow, "Mir", 1966.
135. Moroz V.N. On Logical Stress. "Scientific Notes of the V.I.Lenin TashGU 1964, No.260.
136. Napalkov A.V., Tselkova N.V., Moyiseyev I.F. Heuristic Analysis of Information Structures. Moscow, "Energy", 1975.
137. Novik I.B. The Gnoseological Characteristics of Cyb-netical Models, "Philosophical Problems", 1963, No.8.
138. Ovchinnikov N.F. The Category of Structure in the Sciences on Nature. The Structures and Forms of Matter. Moscow, "Science", 1967.
139. Pavlov V.M. The Question of the Materiality of the Object of Linguistics. Accounts and Reports of Soviet Scientists at the X International Congress of Linguists Moscow, "Science", 1967
140. Panfilov V.Z. The Question of the Correlation of Language and Thinking. Thinking and Language. Moscow, I.P.L., 1957.
141. Panfilov V.Z. Grammar and Logic [The Grammatical and Logico-Grammatical Division of a Simple Sentence]. Moscow-Leningrad. Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1963.
142. Panfilov V.Z. The Interrelation of Language and Thinking. Moscow, "Science", 1971.
143. Plotkin V.Y. The Dynamics of the English Phonological System. The Western Siberian Publishers, Novosibirsk, 1967.
144. Poltoratsky A., Shviryov V. The Sign and Activity. Moscow, I.P.L., 1970.
145. Pospelov G.S. Foreword, Problems of Cybernetics. Moscow, "Knowledge", 1975.
146. Pospelov A.S. The Object of Control - Science, "Science and Life". 1975. No.11.
147. Pribram K. Languages of the Brain. Experimental Paradoxes and Principles of Neuropsychology. Moscow, "Progress", 1975.
148. Pumpyansky A.L. The Information Role of the Order of Words in Scientific and Technical Literature. Moscow, "Science", 1974.
149. Reznikov L.D. The Concept and the Word. LGU, 1959.
150. Reformatsky A.L. Agglutination and Fusion as Two Tendencies of the Grammatical Structure of Language. Morphological Typology and Problems of Classifying Languages. Moscow-Leningrad, "Science", 1965.
151. Rozhdestvensky Y.V. Typology of the Word. Moscow, "Senior School". 1969.
152. Sadovsky V.N., Yudin E.G. The Specific Character of the Methodologlcal Approach to Investigating Systems and Structures. "Logic and the Methodology of Science" Moscow, "Science" 1967.
153. Samokhvalov K.F. An Investigation of the Demands on the Theory of Empirical Forecasts. Thesis, Novosibirsk, 1975.
154. Samokhvalov K.F. On the Theory of Empirical Forecasts. Computing Systems, No.55, Imsoan/USSR, 1973.
155. Svidersky V.I. The Dialectics of Elements and Structure in the Objective World and Cognition. Moscow, The USSR Academy of Sciences, 1962.
156. Svidersky V.I. Elements and Structure as Categories of Dialects. Dialects and the Logic of Scientific Cognition. Moscow, "Science", 1966.
157. Sevbo I.P. Determining Certain Characteristics of Bulk for the Tree of Dependence. Problems of Applied Linguistics, Abstracts. Part II. M.Thorez MGPTIYA, 1969.
158. Serebrennikov B.A. Causes of the Inflexibility of the Agglutinative System and the Problem of the Morphological type of Languages. Morphological Typology and the Problem of the Classification of Languages. Moscow-Leningrad, "Science", 1965.
159. Serebrennikov B.A. The Problem of the Essence of Language. General Linguistics. Forms of Existence and Function, The History of the Language. Moscow, "Science" 1970.
160. Sechenov I.M. Elements of Thought. Moscow, "Scientific word" Publishing House, 1903.
161. Simonov P. Conscience, Subconscience, Superconscience. "Science and Life", 1975, No.12.
162. Slavin A. Visible Form and Structure of Recognition. Moscow, IPL., 1971.
163. Sokolov A.N. Internal Speech and Thought. Moscow, "Enloghtenment", 1968.
164. Solntsev V.M. Language as a Systemic and Structural Formation. (relating to the problem of the ontology of language). Doctoral Thesis, Moscow, 1970.
165. Solntsev V.M. Language as a Systemic and Structural Moscow, "Science", 1971.
166. F. De Saussure. Course in General Linguistics. Moscow, "Sotsekgiz", 1933.
167. Stepanov Yu. S. Semiotics. Moscow, "Science", 1971.
168. Styazhkin I.I. The Forming of Mathematical Logic. Moscow, "Science", 1967.
169. Tairbekov B.G. Philosophical Science Problems on Translation (Gnoseological Analysis). Baku, AGU, 1974.
170. Tairbekov B.G. The Problems of Translation as the Subject of Translating. Doctoral Dissertation, Baku, 1973.
171. Tyukhtin V.S. Reflection, Systems, Cybernetics.Moscow. "Science", 1972.
172. Tyukhtin V.S. The Theory of Reflection in the light of Contemporary Science. Moscow, "Knowledge", 1971.
173. Turing A. Can a Machine Think? Moscow, Fizmatgiz", 1960.
174. Wemov A.I. The Logical Foundations of Modelling Method. Modelling Method in Matural Science. Thesis. Tartu, 1966.
175. Ukraintsev B.S. Reflection in Inanimate Nature. Moscow, "Science", 1969.
176. Ukraintsev B.S. Self-Control Systems and Causality. Moscow, "Thought", 1972.
177. Ursul A.D. The Problem of Information in Contemporary Science. Philosophical Essays. Moscow, "Science" 1975.
178. Ufimtseva A.A. The Sign Nature of Language. General Linguistics, Forms of Existence, Function. The History of Language. Moscow, "Science", 1970.
179. Feuerbach L. On Spiritualism and Materialism, especially in their Relation to Freedom of Will. Selected Philosophical Works, T.I.M., Gospolitizdat, 1955.
180. Philosophical Problems of Theory of Adaptation.Editor: G.I. Tsaregorodtsev. Moscow, "Thought", 1975.
181. Philosophical Vocabulary. Editor: M.M. Rozental. Moscow, Politizdat, 1972.
182. Fleischman B.C. The Systemic period in the Development of Science. XIII International Congress on the History of Science. Section No.1, Subsection: History and Perspectives of the Development of the Systemic Approach to the General Theory of Systems. Moscow, "Science", 1971.
183. Frolov I.T. The Problem of Suitability in the light of Contemporary Science. Moscow, "Knowledge", 1971.
184. Chomsky N. The Formal Properties of Grammars. Cybernetics Symposium Collection, New Series, Part 2. I.L., 1966.
185. Chomsky N. Syntactic Structures. Recent Developments in Linguistics. Part II. Moscow, 1962.
186. Chomsky N. Language and Thought. MGU., 1972.
187. Chomsky N. Three Models for Describing Language. "Cybernetics Symposium", No.2. Moscow, TVL., 1961.
188. Chavchanidze V.V., Gelman O.YA. Modelling in Science and Technology. Moscow, "Knowledge", 1966.
189. Church A. Introduction to Mathematical Logic. T.I.M. IL., 1960.
190. Chikobava A.S. Introduction to Linguistics. Part I. Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1952.
191. Schaff A. Introduction to Semantics. Moscow, IL.,1963.
192. Sheptulin A.P. The Nature and Specific Character of Philosophical Categories. Moscow, "Knowledge", 1973.
193. Stoff V.A. Modelling and Philosophy. Moscow-Leningrad, "Science", 1966.
194. Shchur G.S. The Essence of Certain Linguistic Methods and their Role in Language Research. Questions of Dialectology and Linguistics. Notes, Part 4. 1971.
195. Engelhardt V.A. The Part and the Whole in Molecular Biology. Moscow, "Knowledge", 1973.
196. Ashby W.R. Introduction to Cybernetics. Moscow, IL., 1959.
197. Ashby W.R. The Construction of the Brain. Moscow, IL., 1962.
198. Yugai G.A. The Dialectics of the Part and the Whole. Alma-Alta, "Science", 1965.
199. Jacobson R. Searching for the Essence of Language. Anothology of Translations on Problems of Information Theory and Practice. Moscow, VINITI, 1970, No.16.
200. Young S. The Systemic Management of an Organisation. Moscow, "Soviet Radio", 1972.
201. Yaroshevsky M.G., Antsiferova L.I. The Development and the Present State of Foreign Psychology. Moscow, "Pedagogics", 1974.
202. Apostol L. Lovic and Ontology. "Logique et Analyse", 1974, No.11-12.
203. Bergaman S. Ineffability. Ontology and Method. "The Philosophical Review", 1974. V.LXIX, No.1.
204. Krupatkin Ja V. Towards Systemic Linguistics: A Survey of Studies by G.P. Melnikov from 1959 to 1972. "Linguistics. An International Review", 1974, No.139.
205. Melnikov G.P. Comment on the paper of L.Z.Gova, "Typology and Semiotics". Actes Du X Congress International Des Linguisties, Bucarest, 26 Aout - 2 Sept-embre, 1967. V.III. V.III. Bucarest, 1970.
206. Melnikov G.P. Syntactic Meaning and Syntactic Sense. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Linguistics. Bologna-Florence, Aug. 28 - Sept 2, Vol. II. Bologna, "Mulino", 1974.
207. Melnikov G.P. Turk Dilleri Yapisinin Kibernetik Bakimindan Sistemli Analizi. Turk Dil Kurumu, XI Kurultayi, 6-12 Temmuz, 1966. Turk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi. Ankara, 1966.
208. Melnikov G.P. Le Critere Du Rationnel Pour L'Expli-cation Du Passe, du Present, et du Futur Des Systemes de la Langue (Sur la Question de la Methodologie de la Linguistique Systeme]. "Resumes Du IV Congres International de Logique, Methodologie et Philosophoe de la Science". Bucarest, 1971.
209. Nowak L. 0 Naturze Dialektyki Marksistowskiej. "Studia Filozoficne", 1974, No.3 (100).
210. Osgood C.E., Suci G.J., Tannebraum P.H. The Measurement of Meaning. Urbana. 1957.
211. Schank R.C. Conceptual Dependency: A Theory of Natural Language Understanding. "Cognit. Psychol". 1975. V.3, No.4.
212. Stonert H. i Teorie Adekwatne Z Ontologia Jezyka Nauki. "Studia Logica", 1974, TOM XV.
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