«Almanakh molodyhk» («Literary Miscellany of the Youth») – is a collection of «autobiographies, stories, caricatures, parodies», published in 1908 in St.-Petersburg. The Ist part consists og autobiographies of L. Andreev, L. Andruson, M. Artzibashev, K. Balmont, A. Blok, S. Gorodetsky, Ya. Godin, A, Izmailov, A, Kamensky, B. Lazarevsky, V. Myizhel, A. Roslavlev, Iv. Rukavishnikov, F, Sologub, Dm. Tzenzor, G. Chulkov.
The IId part includes stories by A. Kuprin, V. Brusjanin, essays of O. Dymov and O. Norvezhsky.
The IIId part includes parodies on autobiographies of the part Ist, verses’ parodies by Izmailov on Balmont, Blok, Z. Gippius, Gorodetsky, Vyach. Ivanov, M. Kuzmin, Rukavishnikov, Skitaletz Tan.