The International Conference “Chekhov: the 21st Century’s Look”

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Опубликована программа XIV Международной конференции «XVIII век: день и ночь в литературе и искусстве эпохи» (21–22 марта 2025 г.).

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The International Conference

«Chekhov: the 21st Century’s Look»

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Dear Colleagues,

The Chekhov Commission under the Council on the History of World Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University and Chekhov State Memorial Museum in Melikhovo announce the international conference «Chekhov: the 21st Century’s Look» that will be held on 29th January to 2nd February 2010.

The conference is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Anton Chekhov.

The beginning of the new century is marked with considerable changes in public conscience in terms of information and culture, which inevitably lead to reviewing many notions and constants. The conference aims at searching for new ways in studies and perception of Chekhov’s works.

The following issues will be raised:

  1. A writer’s biography as the universal form of knowledge of his personality and epoch.
  2. Problems of perception, interpretation, and comment of Chekhov’s texts.
  3. Chekhov and his predecessors, contemporaries, and successors.
  4. Chekhov’s plays and their stage variants. Directors’ innovations and the author’s message.
  5. Chekhov’s works in the «foreign» cultural space. Problems of adequacy in translation and perception.
  6. The formation of Chekhov’s character as an author: social and historical context and the laws of creation psychology.
  7. Chekhov’s poetics: necessity and inevitability of a new approach. Chekhov’s contribution to the development of language of fiction.
  8. «There’s never a new fashion but it’s old», or the lessons of history of Chekhov studies.
  9. Methodology of researching and the facts it formed. Biographical and interpretative myths: mechanisms of their genesis and existence.

An application for participation should be submitted till 1st October 2009 by e-mail or by post: «119991, Moscow, Leninskye gory, MSU, Faculty of Philology, Department of the History of Russian Literature, room 958. Organizing Committee of the International Chekhov Conference.»

Please submit your theme and abstract to the Organizing Committee till 1st October 2009. The abstract is limited to 200-300 words (font size 12 points, Times New Roman, single space, no word division and indentation). You should type your last name and initials on the right. The theme in caps should be placed below in the centre of the line. Leave a line after it and then put your abstract and keywords.

Additional details on the conferencing conditions will be regularly posted on the Chekhov Commission site (

Organizing Committee

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